Thursday, May 6, 2010

End of Semester Games

The Game of Quelf

The past few weeks have been full of paper writing, finals prep, AND a lot of fun! Matt and I were able to host a few pasta dinner/study nights and  game nights. Here are some fun pics from our games nights. If you haven't played the board game QUELF you may want to. It's a great game for all ages and a fun/embarrassing time is guaranteed.
Looks fun right??
Here are some of our college peeps
Paige had to hold the spatula for the duration of the game...
I had to bust out an impromptu workout video....nice.
Balancing a spoon on her nose for 5 seconds
I had to wrap my head like a mummy and leave it there until someone rolled a 4 was about 30 minutes before that happened!!
Matt had to play peek-a-boo with anyone who talked to him
Shaya had to make a fort using a blanket and chairs and hide there until her next turn.
Matt had to yodel with his finger up his nose until he rolled 3 fours!
Dan was forced to hide under the table
...he got comfy with his coffee and stayed there for the rest of the game!

As you can see, the game of QUELF is it and play it with your family/friends!

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